What sets the Nice Physio apart from other Pelvic Health clinics?

At the Nice Physio, you will always see the same clinician (an experienced Doctor of physical therapy) and you will never be passed off to an assistant or aide. I am constantly learning and staying up on the latest research and have travelled to undergo mentorship from an internationally recognized researcher and PT.

I have taken extensive postdoctoral training and have over 10 years of experience. I have personal experience that informs how I treat including a non-medicated VBAC as well a birth with an epidural and emergency C-section. This experience informs my understanding of how to recover from different types of births.

My treatments and approach are a unique blend of various trainings. In my birth prep and recovery programs I consider the biomechanics of the pelvis and I incorporate both manual techniques and exercises that address your individualized restrictions to facilitate the smoothest birth and recovery possible. If you have had a difficult birth or stall I work with you as a birth detective to figure out what/if anything can be modified for future births.

I address care from an evidence informed approach and holistic lens. I consider lifestyle, nutrition, and the whole body in my treatment plans. Finally, I care deeply about your outcome and will work with you to find you the resources that are beyond my scope of care.

What does a session look like?

My sessions usually involve a thorough intake and history involving you telling your story and concerns followed by questions. Assessment will often entail movement, walking, manual assessment, and specific activities related to your complaint. For most pelvic floor diagnoses, a pelvic floor muscle assessment is recommended but never required. Each session may involve education, movement, hands-on manual therapy, and handouts depending on your specific goals.

Can you come to my house?

Yes! With some limitation. If you live or work in the South Hill I can come directly to you. Please contact me to schedule.